Mr Cannell - Express Drainage Solutions
Location: Woking
Duration: One Weeks
Sector: Domestic

The Client

Mr Cannell was worried about high levels of excess water around his house and wanted to take extra precautions to ensure his property wouldn’t flood in the future. The first thing we did when assessing Mr Cannell’s property, especially his driveway, was a percolation test. This tested the rate of water absorbency of the ground near and around the house. We then followed the below steps:

The course of action

  • First, we excavated an area within the grass verge, outside the property.
  • Within the excavation, we installed 10 Aqua Cell crates.
  • We then wrapped the newly installed crates in the Geotextile Membrane and sealed them.
  • We undertook an open-cut excavation within the carriageway to the newly installed soakaway system located outside the property.
  • Within the excavation, we installed no more than 80m of 150mm UPVC perforated pipework.
  • We excavated within the designated areas of the street and installed 4 road gullies.
  • From the location of each gully, we excavated for 3m to the location of the newly installed perforated pipework.
  • Within the excavation, we installed no more than 3m of 100mm UPVC pipework and connected this to the perforated pipework.
  • We surrounded all pipework in 10 mm pea shingle and then backfilled the excavation with Type One granular material.
  • We reinstated the top surface to its original order.

The outcome

We carried out these works on time and efficiently, making sure that Mr Cannell was satisfied with everything on site. After several periods of heavy rain, Mr Cannell reported that all drainage was working as it should and that he would be happy to recommend us to his friends and family in the future.

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020 8979 5444

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